We have fine-tuned the selectivity process to capture natural fruity esters and flavonoids that significantly contribute to the flavor experience along with terpenes to provide the natural ratios native to cannabis flowers. Great for daytime use, stop by your local dispensary to experience the Sauce and experience the most natural dankest high in cartridge form.
It will depend on the shipping option you choose. We have 3 shipping options:- 24Hours – £50 // 2-3Days – £30 . This Options apply only for the UK and Canada. For other Countries, the prices of shipping would be different and it would depend if there are taxes to be paid and also your distance. But if you place an order from Europe you should expect your order within 7 – 10 Days but the prices will be determined by the shipper depending on the country.
We can ship anywhere in the World. You will receive your products in a 100% discreet package. Your Privacy and Safety is our major concern. We have also improved on various ways of making sure our shipping is 100% discreet by using properly sealed foils bags, DVD CD casings, reducing the size of the package to reduce suspicion, many more just to keep you 100% safe and secured.